Friday, June 5, 2009

Meanings of KISSES

Kiss on the hand - i adore u.

Kiss on the cheek - I just want to be friends.

Kiss on the chin - You are cute!

Kiss on the neck - I want you.

Kiss on the lips - I love you.

Kiss on the ears - Let's have some fun.

Kiss anywhere else - You're the best.

-only me-


Qarl said...


thanx 4 d info..

akaks x ckp pun ae bowling mlm smalam.. karl tgh lepak kat k.l weekend ni.. leh join kalo tau... baru je tau td thru forum ... karl dh lama x singgah forum..

only me ^erien'z^ said...

tue lah..akk nyer phone kan ilang...num haikal suma takder..
dats y akk post kat Forum..
alahai..kan...kalu tak dah leh joint..xper2...jum2 joint 27 nie!lagi best!


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